The authorities of Gomal Zam dam has issued a flood alert for the populations within its command area. According to an official correspondence, the authorities urged district administration of Tank to stay on high alert with precautionary measures to protect the infrastructure and population against any flooding in the downstream parts of the command area of dam. It is to be mentioned here that panic has gripped the residents of the areas, already affected with flood related issues amid reports on the surging water-level in the reservoir of the dam which may cause the possibility of a low -medium flood in the downstream parts of the command area. The warning surfaced following a high profile meeting of the top WAPDA officials with stakeholders who discussed the flooding matters of the dam with apprehension that the reservoir level of dam has reached to the approximate level of EL .740 m. If the rain fall in the region continued, the reservoir may get further splash by EL 743 m, which would be followed by an immediate automatic operation to discharge/release 7600 cusecs water and which may cause low-medium flooding in the downstream parts of the command area of the dam. An official source in the Gomal Zam dam management informed that there was no need to believe unconfirmed reports on social media . Quoting the Met office forecast (23-25 Aug), the monsoon winds have entered the upper and central regions of neighboring Balochistan and the rain water level in local perennial water-courses was increasingly surging in the close hilly region. Which was posing flooding threats .
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