In this rapidly evolving digital age, posting work online provides an easy way to get your work out to the world. However, with that comes the risk that it might get used without your permission.We’ve seen many examples of blatant plagiarism within the design and creative community, many of which involve large companies using copied artwork in major marketing campaigns. Big brands should definitely know better, and yet that doesn’t seem to stop them taking independent designers’ work from design portfolios, Instagram accounts, or even Pinterest boards, and passing it off as their own, as some of these shocking examples below demonstrate.
A similar case was reported when a graduate of Punjab University (batch 2013-2018) Department of Architecture and Design, Rafia Asad complained about her design appeared on a big company’s products without any acknowledgement or royalties.
She stated,” Ever since my graduation, my thesis has been published on info-360 due to its iconic design and from there many people has followed my design and used my work 3d images with their articles of other works in Gwadar. Fake news of chand tarra island has flooded the internet and private companies are branding my design as their own.”
Notably, her design proposal received honors for innovative design solution from the University of Punjab, Department of Architecture.
According to her design, the airport will cater the influx of 100 years of passenger load by its innovative phase wise development scheme. It is one of its kind and proposed for the first time in Pakistan.
It is a state-of-the-art design that is adaptive to the setting of Gwadar and the political and current development state and expansion of the city. Three terminals and two runways will accommodate 9million passengers’ influx and the whole masterplan development will be designed till 2030 looking at the current state of development of Gwadar as estimated from the previous developments in the region. The airport will have three terminals connected via bridges and underground trans facility with a central parking plus communal space which will include public park and recreational and tourist event spaces.
The outlook of the building is derived from the topography. A “T” shaped configuration that can be expanded as required and the module can be replicated and repeated as the city of Gwadar grows. The form is derived from the undulating topography of Gwadar that seamlessly merges in with its surrounds.
The sleek and modern look of the airport was designed keeping in mind that every airport is built for the influx next 50 years and with the expansion module I have proposed the Gwadar airport is being designed for the next 100 years to come.